About us

Our school motto

Our aim is to provide a welcoming, caring and inspiring learning environment with modern facilities where pupils gain not only the knowledge but also the necessary competences needed in the real world.

Friendly school
The school puts special emphasis on an individual and friendly relationship between teachers and pupils, however, not at the expense of the quality of education and training. The school is characterized by a friendly and professional approach to pupils with special educational needs, talented and exceptionally talented.

Modern school
Following its best traditions, the school provides high quality education by applying wide range of progressive methods and forms of work. We are actively involved in various projects that help to improve the material facilities of the school, enable to work with smaller groups of pupils and facilitate the lifelong learning of our teachers. Our school adopts a new constructive approach that respects the needs of a changing society, reflects changes in the contemporary world, works with new means and techniques, uses new findings in pedagogy, psychology and other sciences, works in the context of global European standards.
Jsme škola s konstruktivním přístupem, která respektuje potřeby měnící se společnosti, odráží změny v současném světě, pracuje s novými prostředky a technikami, využívá nových poznatků v oblasti pedagogiky, didaktiky, psychologie a jiných věd, pracuje v kontextu celoevropských měřítek.

Open school
Our school provides meaningful social learning. The school itself is formed as a social institution, with social life, values and mutual understanding. We participate in various activities that support the local community. The emphasis is put on regional belonging. Our understanding of the education is to prepare our pupils to become full members of society.


Primary and Secondary School and Kindergarten, Šanov, Znojmo district, contribution organization, is fully organized school which provides education to pupils from 1st to 9th grade.
Our school includes a primary and secondary school, a kindergarten, an after school club and a school canteen. We are located at two addresses. The primary and secondary school, a school canteen and one department of the after school club (the Komenského department) is at the address Komenského Street 241 in Šanov. There is a kindergarten and the second department of the after school club (Karlovská department) at the address Karlovská street 142 in Šanov.

The school is well equipped with modern educational aids. There are interactive whiteboards in every class, students have tablets and laptops for their work, the school has a wireless network and uses cloud storage. We are constantly renewing and retrofitting ICT technology with additional devices. The village has large sports areas near the school (sports hall, athletics field, ball game field, football field with artificial grass, ...), which the school fully uses for its activities in physical education classes and beyond.

Education at our school is based on acquiring the competencies needed for life in the 21st century. We want to teach pupils to communicate well, to know themselves, to find their place in society, to actively participate in social life, to be aware of their abilities, to perceive lifelong education as a personal attitude.

We pay special attention to the concept of polytechnic education, which we perceive as the connection of science subjects, work skills and technology with the support of digital technologies. We use the school workshop, natural garden, ceramic workshop. In addition to specialized classrooms, we also use the local landscape during teaching, which offers us opportunities to develop work competencies supported by locally embedded learning. We plan the construction of a new polytechnic pavilion.

An effective communication skill is one of the most important life skills to learn. In the first and second grade we fully concentrate on mastering the mother tongue, writing and reading comprehension and the correct pronunciation. In the third grade we start with teaching English as the first foreign language and in the sixth grade we offer German as we live on border with Austria and that means employment opportunities for our students in the future.